
Illustration of a man cooling down in the air conditioner wind

Illustration of a woman cooling down in the air conditioner wind

Illustration of a woman cooling down in the wind of a fan

Illustration of a man cooling down in the wind of a fan

Illustration of a couple watching the sunset

Illustration of a man hitting the wind of a fan

Illustration of a woman hitting the wind of a fan

Illustration of a woman drumming at a festival

Illustration of a man drumming at a festival

Illustration of a person (male) enjoying sparklers

Illustration of a person (female) enjoying sparklers

Illustration of a couple enjoying incense fireworks

Illustration of a couple wearing a yukata enjoying incense fireworks

Illustration of a person (male) enjoying sparklers

Illustration of a person (female) enjoying sparklers

Illustration of a woman in a swimsuit

Illustration of a man in a swimsuit

Illustration of a man in a swimsuit

Illustration of a woman in a swimsuit
Illustration of a woman sunbathing on the beach

Illustration of a man sunbathing on the beach

Illustration of a hot and melting person (female)