
Illustration of a hot and melting person (female)

Illustration of a man warming up with an electric heater

Illustration of a man cooling down in the air conditioner wind

Illustration of a man cooling down in the wind of a fan

Illustration of a woman cooling down in the air conditioner wind

Illustration of a woman cooling down in the wind of a fan

Illustration of a woman using a sweat-absorbing sheet

Illustration of a woman applying sunscreen

Illustration of a person (man) using a sweat-absorbing sheet

Illustration of a person (man) applying sunscreen

Illustration of a woman drowning in the sea

Illustration of a man drowning in the sea

Illustration on hot train

Illustration on hot train

Illustration on a cold train

Illustration of a man who is collapsing from heat

Illustration of heat heat (old father)

Illustration of a woman who is collapsing from heat