
Illustration of a woman warming up on a hot carpet

Illustration of a woman using a lawnmower

Illustration of a person (female) using a sewing machine

Illustration of a man using a lawnmower

Illustration of a man using a sewing machine

Illustration of a man warming up with an electric heater

Illustrations of elderly people warming up with kotata

Illustration of a man cooling down in the air conditioner wind

Illustration of a man cooling down in the wind of a fan

Illustrations of people warming up with kotata

Illustration of a woman warming up with an electric heater

Illustration of a woman cooling down in the air conditioner wind

Illustration of a woman cooling down in the wind of a fan

Illustration of a person (grandfather) warming up with a stove

Illustration of a person (grandmother) warming up with a stove

Illustration of a woman warming up with a stove

Illustration of people warming up with stove

Illustration of a man warming up with a stove

Illustration of a tv watcher (male)

Illustration of a tv watcher (female)

Illustration of a woman straightening her hair with a hair iron

Illustration of a woman who rolls her hair with a hair iron