
Illustration of a man cleaning an air conditioner

Illustration of a woman using a humidifier

Illustration of a woman cleaning an air conditioner

Illustration of a man cleaning a ventilation fan

Illustration of a woman cleaning a ventilation fan

Illustration of a woman using a coffee maker

Illustration of a woman warming food in a microwave oven

Illustration of a woman who put detergent and softener in a washing machine

Illustration of a man using a coffee maker

Illustration of a man warming food in a microwave oven

Illustration of a man who put detergent and softener in a washing machine

Illustration of a man using a rice cooker

Illustration of a man baking bread with a toaster

Illustration of a woman abandoning a TV

Illustration of a woman using a rice cooker

Illustration of a woman baking bread with a toaster

Illustration of a man abandoning a TV

Illustration of ironing person (male)

Illustration of a woman taking food out of a refrigerator

Illustration of ironing person (woman)

Illustration of a man removing food from a refrigerator

Illustration of a woman using a dishwasher