
Illustration of a person (male) who does not know how to use a smartphone

Illustration of a person (grandmother) who does not know how to use a personal computer

Illustration of a woman who does not know how to use a computer

Illustration of an old person (grandmother) who does not know how to use a smartphone

Illustration of a woman who does not know how to use a smartphone

Illustration of a person (old man) who does not know how to use a pc

Illustration of a person (male) who does not know how to use a personal computer

Illustration of a man who provides directions

Illustration of a woman who provides directions

Illustration of a woman who is into a computer

Illustration of a man who is into a computer

Illustration of a person (man) shopping online

Illustration of a woman shopping online

Illustration of a woman shopping online

Illustration of a person (man) shopping online

Illustration of a man thinking about a menu of dishes on a smartphone

Illustration of a woman thinking about a menu of dishes on a smartphone

Illustration of Neet (male) using a computer

Illustration of Neet (male) who is only on a pc

Illustration of Neet (woman) using a computer

Illustration of Neet (woman) who is only on pc

Illustration of a man driving a bicycle while using a smartphone