
Illustration of a man sitting on a sofa and using a computer

Illustration of a woman sitting on a sofa and using a computer

Illustration of a woman who is troubled by broken personal computer

Illustration of a man suffering from bullying on the Internet

Illustration of a woman who is troubled by broken personal computer

Illustration of a woman who suffers from bullying on the Internet

Illustration of a woman who suffers from bullying on the Internet

Illustration of a hacker (female) sending a virus

Illustration of a man who is troubled by spam mail

Illustration of a man suffering from bullying on the Internet

Illustration of a hacker (male) sending a virus

Illustration of a woman who is troubled by spam mail

Illustration of a man using a smartphone in a movie theater

Illustration of a man who competed and lost an internet auction

Illustration of a man who competed in an internet auction

Illustration of a woman who competed and lost an internet auction

Illustration of a woman who competed in an internet auction

Illustration of a man selling things on the Internet

Illustration of a woman selling things on the Internet

Illustration of an elderly person (grandfather) sending electronic money

Illustration of a woman sending electronic money

Illustration of a man sending electronic money