
Illustration of a woman who is tired of SNS

Illustration of a person (male) who does not know how to use a smartphone

Illustration of a woman who doesn’t know how to use a smartphone

Illustration of a person (grandmother) paying money with a smartphone

Illustration of a person (grandfather) paying money with a smartphone

Illustration of a woman paying money with a smartphone

Illustration of a woman listening to the message of the answering machine

Illustration of a man listening to the message of the answering machine

Illustration of humanity (woman) dominated by AI robot

Illustration of humanity (male) dominated by AI robots

Illustration of humanity (male) dominated by AI robots

Illustration of humanity (woman) dominated by AI robot

Illustration of AI robots that dominate humanity

Illustration of AI robots that dominate humanity

Illustration of AI robot to help people

Illustration of AI robot to help people

Illustration of humanity (woman) dominated by AI robot

Illustration of humanity (woman) dominated by AI robot

Illustration of humanity (male) dominated by AI robots

Illustration of humanity (woman) dominated by AI robot

Illustration of an elderly person (grandfather) working using a computer

Illustration of an elderly person (grandmother) working using a computer