
Illustration of Building Maintenance (Female)

Illustration of Building Maintenance (Male)

Illustration of an interpreter (female)

Illustration of an interpreter (male)

Illustration of an interpreter (male)

Illustration of an interpreter (female)

Illustration of a condominium manager (male)

Illustration of a condominium manager (woman)

Illustration of diplomats and UNITED NATIONS officials

Illustration of diplomats and UNITED NATIONS officials

Illustration by architect and construction site director (male)

Illustration by architect and construction site director (woman)

Illustration by architect and construction site director (woman)

Illustration by architect and construction site director (male)

Illustration of color coordinator (male)

Illustration of color coordinator (female)

Illustration by a translator (female)

Illustration by translator (male)

Illustration of an architectural model (male)

Illustration of an architectural model (woman)

Illustration of interior coordinator (female)

Illustration by interior coordinator (male)