
Illustration of a woman

Illustration of a man

Illustration of overseas sales woman (woman)

Illustration of an overseas salesman (male)

Illustration of desk work, nursing care, and sales affairs (male)

Illustration of desk work, nursing care, and sales affairs (women)

Illustration of a trade clerk (male)

Illustration of a trade clerk (woman)

Illustration of city hall staff (women)

Illustration of city hall staff (male)

Illustration of a drug enforcement officer (male)

Illustration of a drug enforcement officer (female)

Illustration of a drug enforcement officer (female)

Illustration of a drug dealer and a police dog (male)

Illustration of a male imperial guard

Illustration of a female imperial guard

Illustration of a female imperial guard

Illustration of a male imperial guard

Illustration of a marine sheriff (woman)

Illustration of a marine sheriff (male)

Illustration of a marine sheriff (woman)

Illustration of a marine sheriff (male)