
Illustration of a man practicing electric violin

Illustration of a woman playing electric violin

Illustration of a woman playing an electric bass

Illustration of a cyclist (male)

Illustration of DJ (woman) using turntable

Illustration of DJ (woman) using turntable

Illustration of a woman riding a bicycle

Illustration of DJ (male) using turntable

Illustration of DJ (male) using turntable

Illustration of a man playing Japanese drums

Illustration of a man playing an electronic organ

Illustration of a woman playing a shoulder keyboard

Illustration of a woman playing Japanese drums

Illustration of a woman playing an electronic organ

Illustration of a man playing a shoulder keyboard

Illustration of a pianist (female)

Illustration of a man playing Japanese drums

Illustration of a person (woman) playing a drum

Illustration of a pianist (male)

Illustration of a woman playing Japanese drums

Illustration of a man playing a drum

Illustration of a woman playing a chang