
Illustration of a man playing timpani

Illustration of a woman playing a glass harp

Illustration of a man playing a glass harp

Illustration of a man playing an iron harp

Illustration of a woman playing an iron harp

Illustration of a man playing a xylophone (marimba xylophone)

Illustration of a woman playing a xylophone (marimba xylophone)

Illustration of a monk ringing a temple bell

Illustration of a woman playing triangles

Illustration of a woman playing a handbell

Illustration of a man playing a handbell

Illustration of a man playing triangles

Illustration of a man playing a handbell

Illustration of a woman playing a handbell

Illustration of a woman playing a cymbal

Illustration of a woman playing a cymbal

Illustration of a woman playing cajon

Illustration of a man playing a cymbal

Illustration of a man playing a cymbal

Illustration of a man playing cajon

Illustration of a monk hitting a wooden fish

Illustration of a woman playing a bagpipe