
Illustration of a man playing an alt-clarinet

Illustration of a man playing an alt-clarinet

Illustration of a woman playing an alt-clarinet

Illustration of a man playing an alt-clarinet

Illustration of a man playing a clarinet

Illustration of a man playing a clarinet

Illustration of a woman playing a clarinet

Illustration of a woman playing shamisen

Illustration of a woman playing a clarinet

Illustration of a man playing a clarinet

Illustration of a woman playing a clarinet

Illustration of a man playing shamisen

Illustration of a woman playing a biwa

Illustration of a man playing a ukulele

Illustration of a harpist (female)

Illustration of a man playing a biwa

Illustration of a woman playing a ukulele

Illustration of a harpist (male)

Illustration of a woman playing an electric guitar

Illustration of a woman playing an electric guitar

Illustration of a woman playing an electric guitar

Illustration of a man playing the guitar