
Illustration of a man playing an electric guitar

Illustration of a woman playing a guitar

Illustration of a man (man) playing a mandolin

Illustration of a man playing an acoustic guitar

Illustration of a woman playing classical guitar

Illustration of a man playing a koto

Illustration of a woman playing a mandolin

Illustration of a woman playing an acoustic guitar

Illustration of a man playing classical guitar

Illustration of a woman playing a koto

Illustration of a double bass player (female)

Illustration of cellist cellist (male)

Illustration of violinist viorinist (male)

Illustration of violinist viorinist (male)

Illustration of a double bass player (male)

Illustration of cellist cellist (female)

Illustration of violinist viorinist (female)

Illustration of violinist viorinist (female)

Illustration of the aircraft’s pilot (male)

Illustration of the aircraft’s pilot (female)

Illustration of train conductor and driver (male)

Illustration of train conductor and driver (female)