
Illustration of couple consulting with wedding planner (woman)

Illustration of a jewelry shop clerk (woman)

Illustration of a jewelry shop clerk (man)

Illustration of a watch shop clerk (woman)

Illustration of a watch shop clerk (man)

Illustration of a doctor (old father) examining

Illustration of a doctor (grandmother) examining

Illustration of a doctor (man) examining

Illustration of a doctor (woman) examining

Illustration of the culprit (old man) to be arrested

Illustration of the culprit (woman) to be arrested

Illustration of the arresting criminal (grandmother)

Illustration of the culprit (man) to be arrested

Illustrations of man employees and office workers

Illustrations of woman employees and office workers

Illustration of a full-time housewife and a cook (woman)

Illustration of a full-time husband and a cook (man)

Illustration of full-time housewife (woman) and office worker (man) wife

Illustration of a judge (man) describing the verdict

Illustration of a working couple

Illustration of wife of full-time husband (man) and office worker (woman)

Illustration of the trial judge system