Public transportation

Illustration of a woman taking a picture of a train with a camera

Illustration of a man taking a picture of a train with a camera

Illustration of a man advancing at a green light

Illustration of a man (male) stopping at a red light

Illustration of a woman advancing at a green light

Illustration of a woman stopping at a red light

Illustration of a woman vomiting while sleeping on a station bench

Illustration of a man vomiting while sleeping on a station bench

Illustration of a man sleeping on a station bench

Illustration of a woman sleeping on a station bench

Illustration of people waiting for a taxi at a taxi station

Illustration of people waiting for a bus at a bus stop

Illustration of people waiting for a taxi at a taxi station

Illustration of people waiting for a bus at a bus stop

Illustration of train conductor and driver (male)

Illustration of people riding commuter trains

Illustration of train conductor and driver (female)

Illustration of crowded train and train commuting

Illustration of a couple getting on a train

Illustration of a family riding a train

Illustration of a woman commuting by train

Illustration of a woman using a smartphone on a train