Public transportation

Illustration of a person (grandmother) who rides out of order

Illustration of a woman passing through the ticket gate of a station

Illustration of a man who could not pass through the ticket gate

Illustration of a woman who couldn’t pass through the ticket gate

Illustration of a man passing through the ticket gate of a station

Illustration of a man riding out of order

Illustration of passenger prioritizing people who get off the train

Illustration of luggage (woman) getting in the way on the train

Illustration of a pickpocket (woman)

Illustration of a man who rushes in

Illustration of a woman riding a wheelchair on a train

Illustration of a pickpocket (man)

Illustration of a woman who rushes in

Illustration of a woman with luggage stuck in a train door

Illustration on hot train

Illustration of a woman who slept on a train

Illustration of a family riding a train

Illustration of a man with luggage caught in a train door

Illustration of a man who slept on a train

Illustration of parents and children riding a train

Illustration of an elderly couple riding a train

Illustration on hot train