
Illustration of a funeral home employee (male and female)

Illustrations of people rubbing

Illustration of people fighting

Illustration of a woman with a shadow

Illustration of a man with a shadow

Illustration of a man with a shadow

Illustration of an old man with a shadow

Illustration of a shadow photo (grandmother)

Illustration of a female shadow photo

Illustration of a woman shedding tears at a funeral

Illustration of a person (old man) in mourning clothes

Family illustration in mourning

Illustration of the remains photo (old father)

Illustration of a male shadow photo

Illustration of a man shedding tears at a funeral

Illustration of a person (grandmother) in mourning clothes

Illustration of a child (girl) in mourning

Illustration of a child (boy) in mourning clothes

Illustration of a couple in mourning

Illustration of a woman in mourning

Illustration of children in mourning

Illustration of a woman in mourning