
Illustration of surveyor (female)

Illustration of surveyor (male)

Illustration by display designer (male)

Illustration by display designer (female)

Illustration of a painter (male)

Illustration of a painter (female)

Illustration of a person (man) taking notes on a calendar

Illustration of a woman taking notes on a calendar

Illustration of architectural CAD operator (man)

Illustration of designer and field supervisor (man) dinging

Illustration of designer and field supervisor (woman) dinging

Illustration of architectural CAD operator (woman)

Illustration of a person (man) who designs and calculates structure

Illustration of a person (man) who designs and calculates structure

Illustration of Aei-O (woman), a field supervisor who raises her fist high

Illustration of a person (woman) who designs and calculates structure

Illustration of a person (woman) who designs and calculates structure

Illustration of Aei-oh (man), a field supervisor who raises his fist high

Illustration of a person (man) who confirms safety and calls

Illustration of foot attention (man)

Illustration of off-limits (man)

Illustration of foot attention (woman)