
Illustration of acupuncturist (female) performing acupuncture

Illustration of an acupuncturist (male) who performs acupuncture therapy

Illustration of an acupuncturist (female) who performs acupuncturist therapy

Illustration of a therapist (male) doing an oil massage

Illustration of a therapist (female) doing oil massage

Illustration of an aromatherapist (female)

Illustration of an aromatherapist (male)

Illustration of a male student erasing letters on the blackboard

Illustration of a student (female) growing while studying

Illustration of a student (male) stretching while studying

Illustration of a woman stretching

Illustration of a growing person (male)

Illustration of a seated person (female)

Illustration of a seated person (female)

Illustration of a seated person (male)

Illustration of a seated person (male)

Illustration of a man (male) stretching at work

Illustration of a person (female) stretching at work

Illustration of people bathing in hot springs (elderly)

Illustration of a person bathing in a hot spring (grandmother)

Illustration of a person bathing in a hot spring (grandfather)

Illustration of people bathing in hot springs