
Illustration of a man using a vacuum cleaner

Illustration of a woman using a vacuum cleaner

Illustration of a woman cleaning with a brush

Illustration of a man cleaning with a brush

Illustration of a man cleaning with a broom

Illustration of a woman cleaning with a broom

Illustration of a woman who breaks firewood

Illustration of a man who breaks firewood

Illustration of a grandfather in an apron

Illustration of an apron-wearing person (grandmother)

Illustration of a man in an apron

Illustration of a woman wearing an apron

Illustration of a person (woman) who hangs laundry and home perpper

Illustration of a man who hangs out laundry and a home perpper

Illustration of a man boiling pasta

Illustration of a woman boiling pasta

Illustration of fire (male) in cooking

Illustration of a man who measures the amount of milk

Illustration of fire (woman) in cooking

Illustration of a woman who measures the amount of milk

Illustration of a woman researching a recipe on a tablet

Illustration of a woman who prepares fish