
Illustration of a woman with heavy luggage

Illustration of a woman with heavy luggage

Illustration of a man with heavy luggage

Illustrations of various expressions of children (girls) 2

Illustrations of various expressions of children (boys) 2

2 illustrations of various facial expressions of babies

Illustrations of the grandfather’s various facial expressions (long hair) 2

2 illustrations of the grandfather’s various facial expressions (disheveled hairstyles)

Illustrations of the various facial expressions (thinning hair) of the old man 2

2 illustrations of the various expressions of the old man

2 illustrations of the various expressions of grandmothers

Illustration of various expressions of women 2 (chignon)

2 illustrations of various facial expressions of men

Illustration of various expressions of women 2 (ponytails)

2 illustrations of various facial expressions of women

Illustration of a person (female) married to a scary husband

Illustration of a man (male) married to a scary wife

Illustration of a depressed high school girl and junior high school girl

Illustration of a depressed male high school student and a male junior high school student

Illustration of a depressed person (female)

Illustration of a depressed person (male)

Illustration of a student (male) suffering from bullying