
Illustration of a man giving a bouquet of flowers

Illustration of a man giving a bouquet of flowers

Illustration of a person (woman) giving a bouquet of flowers

Illustration of a florist clerk (male)

Illustration of a florist clerk (female)

Illustration of a person (woman) giving a bouquet of flowers

Illustration of a man giving a bouquet of flowers

Illustration of a man giving a bouquet of flowers

Illustration of a person (woman) giving a bouquet of flowers

Illustration of a florist clerk (male)

Illustration of a florist clerk (female)

Illustration of a florist clerk (female)

Illustration of a florist clerk (male)

Illustration of a florist clerk (female)

Illustration of a florist clerk (male)

Illustration of a woman visiting a hospitalized woman

Illustration of a man visiting a hospitalized woman

Illustration of a friend couple visiting a hospitalized man

Illustration of a family visiting a hospitalized grandfather

Illustrations of people visiting hospitalized people

Illustration of a friend couple visiting a hospitalized man

Illustration of a family visiting an old grandmother who is in hospital