
Illustration of a basketball player (male) dunking

Illustration of a basketball player (male) hitting a shot

Illustration of a basketball player (female) hitting a shot

Illustration of a basketball player (male) hitting a shot

Illustration of a basketball player (female) hitting a shot

Illustration of catcher (male)

Illustration of catcher (female)

Illustration of a swinging baseball player (male)

Illustration of a swinging baseball player (female)

Illustration of a baseball player (male) hitting a ball

Illustration of a baseball player (female) hitting a ball

Illustration of a baseball player (male) catching a dive

Illustration of a diving catcher (female)

Illustration of a baseball player (woman) hitting a home run

Illustration of a baseball player (male) hitting a home run

Illustration of a baseball player (female) hitting a ball

Illustration of a baseball player (male) hitting a ball

Illustration of a baseball player (female) hitting a ball

Illustration of a baseball player (male) hitting a ball

Illustration of a male high school student and a junior high school boy spinning a basketball on his finger

Illustration of a high school girl and junior high school girl spinning a basketball on her finger

Illustration of a man (male) spinning a basketball on his finger