Mr. Cook.

Illustration of chef (man) cooking

Illustration of chef (man) weighing the amount of milk

Illustration of chef (woman) weighing the amount of milk

Illustration of chef (woman) handling fish

Illustration of chef (man) cooking fish

Illustration of chef (woman) serving dishes on a plate

Illustration of chef (woman) who failed to season dishes

Illustration of chef (man) who failed to season dishes

Illustration of chef (man) serving dishes on a plate

Illustration of chef (man) seasoning dishes

Illustration of chef (woman) seasoning dishes

Illustration of chef (man) taste of soup

Illustration of chef (woman) taste of soup

Illustration of chef (male) cracking eggs

Illustration of chef (woman) cracking eggs

Illustration of chef (man) washing vegetables

Illustration of chef (woman) washing vegetables

Illustration of chef (man) stewing ingredients

Illustration of a woman who measures cooking time with a timer

Illustration of a person (woman) stewing ingredients

Illustration of a woman who accidentally cut her finger with a kitchen knife

Illustration of a woman who cuts ingredients