
Illustration of a man arm in his arm and gets angry

Illustration of a man arm in his arm and gets angry

Illustration of a person (woman) who gets angry with his arms folded

Illustration of a person (male) body-touching a woman

Illustration of an Enraged Person (Female)

Illustration of a mad man (male)

Illustration of an Enraged Person (Female)

Illustration of a subordinate (woman) who is angry with her boss

Illustration of marital quarrel

Illustration of a person (grandfather) who is beaten away

Illustration of a man (male) who is beaten away

Illustration of a woman who is beaten away

Illustration of a beating person (male)

Illustration of a beating person (woman)

Illustration of a punching person (female)

Illustration of a man punching

Illustration of a man (male) cutting with a kitchen knife

Illustration of a woman who cuts it with a kitchen knife

Illustration of a man beating in Harisen

Illustration of a woman beating in Harisen

Illustration of a man wielding Harisen

Illustration of a harisen wielding person (female)