Illustration of a woman waving her hand from a window

Illustration of a politician (female) waving his hand

Illustration of a politician (male) waving his hand

Illustration of a man cleaning with a broom

Illustration of a woman cleaning with a broom

Illustration of a hot-blooded student (female)

Illustration of a hot-blooded student (male)

Illustration of a hot-blooded employee (female)

Illustration of a hot-blooded employee (male)

Illustration of the person making the call (grandmother)

Illustration of the person making the call (grandfather)

Illustration of a high school and junior high school girl making a phone call

Illustration of a high school and junior high school girl making a phone call

Illustration of a male high school and junior high school student making a phone call

Illustration of a male high school and junior high school student making a phone call

Illustration of a person (female) on the phone

Illustration of a person (male) on the phone

Illustration of a woman calling at work

Illustration of a man calling at work

Illustration of a female high school and junior high school student cleaning with a broom

Illustration of a male high school and junior high school student cleaning with a broom

Illustration of a bad male high school and junior high school student smoking a cigarette