Illustration of a spear-throwing player (male)

Illustration of a hammer thrower (male)

Illustration of a hammer thrower (female)

Illustration of a player (male) who tossed a gun

Illustration of a gun-throwing player (female)

Illustration of a triple jump player (male)

Illustration of a triple jump player (female)

Illustration of a long jump player (female)

Illustration of a long jump player (male)

Illustration of a pole vaultplayer (male)

Illustration of a pole vaulter (female)

Illustration of a discus thrower (male)

Illustration of a discus thrower (female)

Illustration of a high jump player (male)

Illustration of a high jump player (female)

Illustration of an obstacle race player (female)

Illustration of an obstacle race player (male)

Illustration of a person (female) who encountered a sea turtle in the sea

Illustration of a man who encountered a sea turtle in the sea

Illustration by Taro Urashima (Male)

Illustration of sharks