Illustration of a person (female) with a broken leg

Illustration of the back of a golfer (female)

Illustration of high school and junior high school girls taking pictures of themselves with smartphones

Illustration of a high school girl and junior high school girl taking a picture of herself with a smartphone

Illustration of a man (male) who forgot to put an umbrella on the train

Illustration of a person (male) who forgot to put his smartphone on the train

Illustration of a woman who came up with a good idea

Illustration of a man who came up with a good idea

Illustration of a woman who came up with a good idea

Illustration of a man who came up with a good idea

Illustration of the back of a golfer (male)

Illustration of a person (female) who is surprised to get the head of a costume

Illustration of a person (male) surprised to be able to get the head of a costume

Illustration of a child (girl) taking a photo with a rabbit costume

Illustration of a child (boy) taking a photo with a bear costume

Illustration of a person wearing a rabbit costume

Illustration of a person wearing a bear costume

Illustration of a tired person (male) wearing a bear costume

Illustration of a tired person (female) wearing a bear costume

Illustration of a person (female) wearing a bear costume

Illustration of a man wearing a bear costume

Illustration of a person (female) bowing her head and apologizing or thanking