Illustration of a man who stirs ingredients for cooking

Illustration of a man giving a present

Illustration of a woman who gives a present

Illustration of a man with a fever who has a thermometer

Illustration of a man (female) with a fever with a thermometer

Illustration of a sandwich-eater (male)

Illustration of a sandwich eater (female)

Illustration of a man who eats sandwiches for a late-night snack

Illustration of a woman who eats sandwiches for a late-night snack

Illustration of a man eating ramen noodles

Illustration of a woman eating ramen noodles

Illustration of a man who eats noodles (ramen) for a late night snack

Illustration of a woman who eats noodles (ramen) for a late night snack

Illustrations of people dancing hula

Illustration of a person (male) dancing hula

Illustration of a man who underwent a hearing test

Illustration of a woman who receives a hearing test

Illustration of a man who listens

Illustration of a woman who listens

Illustration of male high school and junior high school students who like to study

Illustration of male high school and junior high school students who like to study

Illustration of a female high school student and a junior high school girl who likes to study