Illustration of a sleeping person (grandmother)

Illustration of sleeping person (woman)

Illustration of a sleeping person (male)

Illustration of a woman who feels palpitations and anxiety

Illustration of a man who feels palpitations and anxiety

Illustration of a woman who feels palpitations and anxiety

Illustration of a man who feels palpitations and anxiety

Illustration of a woman organizing documents

Illustration of a man organizing documents

Illustration of a woman explaining his/her work

Illustration of a man explaining his job

Illustration of a person explaining his work (grandfather)

Illustration of a person (grandmother) explaining his work

Illustration of a money-slenged spender (male)

Illustration of a money-slengaway (female)

Illustration of a money-slenged spender (male)

Illustration of a money-slengaway (female)

Illustration of sales results in the company

Illustration of sales results in the company

Illustration of a woman paying taxes

Illustration of a man paying taxes

Illustration of a woman paying taxes