Illustration of a man singing a song

Illustration of a woman who sings a song

Illustration of sound creator (female)

Illustration of sound creator (male)

Illustration of the acoustic staff (female)

Illustration of a conductor (female)

Illustration of a conductor (male)

Illustration of a conductor (female)

Illustration of a conductor (male)

Piano Illustration

Illustration of a pianist (female)

Illustration of a pianist (male)

Illustration of a piano tuner (female)

Illustration of a piano tuner (male)

Illustration of a piano instructor (male)

Illustration of a piano instructor (female)

Illustration of an electronic piano

Illustration of voice trainer voice training (female)

Illustration of voice trainer voice training (male)

Illustration of a woman playing a keyboard synthesizer

Illustration of a man playing a keyboard synthesizer

Illustrations of composers and musicians (women)