Illustration of a sushi chef (female)

Illustration of sushi chef (male)

Illustration of sushi chef (male)

Illustration of a sushi chef (female)

Illustration of a high school teacher (female)

Illustration of a high school teacher (male)

Illustration of a high school teacher (male)

Illustration of a high school teacher (female)

Illustration of a junior high school teacher (male)

Illustration of a junior high school teacher (female)

Illustration of an elementary school teacher (female)

Illustration of an elementary school teacher (male)

Illustration of a junior high school teacher (female)

Illustration of a junior high school teacher (male)

Illustration of an elementary school teacher (female) in class

Illustration of an elementary school teacher (male) in class

Illustration of a teacher (female)

Illustration of a teacher (male)

Illustration of a teacher (male)

Illustration of a teacher (female)

Illustration of a teacher (male)

Illustration of a teacher (female)