Illustration of a man proposing by handing over a bouquet of flowers

Illustration of a man proposing by handing over a ring

Illustration of a woman proposing by handing over a ring

Illustration of a shop assistant (woman) at a shoe fitter shoe store

Illustration of a shop assistant (male) at a shoe fitter shoe store

Illustration of the staff (men) of the theme park

Illustration of the theme park staff (women)

Illustration of the theme park staff (women)

Illustration of the staff (men) of the theme park

Illustration of tour conductor, bus guide, interpreter guide (female)

Illustration of tour conductor, bus guide, interpreter guide (female)

Illustration of overseas tour guide, bus guide, interpreter guide (female)

Illustration of overseas tour guide, bus guide, interpreter guide (female)

Illustration of Nakai (Male)

Illustration of Nakai (Female)

Illustration of Nakai (Female)

Illustration of Nakai (Male)

Illustration of Itamae (Female)

Illustration of Itamae (Female)

Illustration of hotel staff (women)

Illustration of a travel agency employee and tour planner (female)

Illustration of hotel staff (men)