Illustration of various expressions of women 1 (chignon)

4 illustrations of various facial expressions of men

3 illustrations of various facial expressions of men

2 illustrations of various facial expressions of men

1 illustration of various facial expressions of men

Illustration of various expressions of women 4 (ponytails)

Illustration of various expressions of women 3 (ponytails)

Illustration of various expressions of women 2 (ponytails)

Illustration of various expressions of women 1 (ponytail)

4 illustrations of various facial expressions of women

3 illustrations of various facial expressions of women

2 illustrations of various facial expressions of women

1 illustration of various expressions of women

Illustration of a high school boy studying in a library

Illustration of a high school girl studying in a library

Illustration of a man reading a book in the library

Illustration of a woman reading a book in the library

This is an illustration of people discussing at a meeting.

This is an illustration of people discussing at a meeting.

Illustration of high school students discussing

Illustration of high school students discussing

Illustration of the high school’s open campus and cultural festival