Illustration of a female high school student and junior high school girl taking an online class

Illustration of male high school and junior high school students taking online classes

Illustration of a teacher (female) who is teaching

Illustration of a teacher (male) taking a class

Illustration of a person (female) wearing a face shield

Illustration of a man wearing a face shield

Illustration of a woman wearing a pink mask

Illustration of a man wearing a black mask

Illustration of a woman wearing a mask

Illustration of a man wearing a mask

Illustration of a volleyball player (male) doing a recheve

Illustration of a volleyball player (female) doing a recci

Illustration of a person (female) riding a road bike

Illustration of a man riding a road bike

Illustration of a triathlon or cyclist (male) racing

Illustration of a triathlon or cyclist (female)

Illustration of a triathlon athlete (male)

Illustration of a tennis player (female) who hits a serve

Illustration of a tennis player (male) who hits a serve

Illustration of a tennis player (male) hitting the ball back with a backhand stroke

Illustration of a tennis player (female) hitting the ball back with a backhand stroke

Illustration of a tennis player (female) hitting the ball back