Illustration of a gymnast (female) who is rolling

Illustration of a gymnast (male) posing

Illustration of a gymnast (female) posing

Illustrations of doctors (male) and nurses (female)

Illustrations of doctors (female) and nurses (male)

Illustration of a doctor (female)

Illustration of a doctor (male)

Illustration of a doctor (male)

Illustration of a doctor (female)

Illustration of a doctor (male)

Illustration of a doctor (female)

Illustration of the hospital

Illustration of a man in a wheelchair with a broken leg

Illustration of a woman in a wheelchair with a broken leg

Illustration of wheelchair

Illustration of a person in a wheelchair (male) and a person pushing it (female)

Illustration of a wheelchair person (female) and a pusher (male)

Illustration of a nurse (a man in blue nurse clothes)

Illustration of a nurse (male)

Illustration of a nurse (a man in a blue nurse’s outfit)
Illustration of a nurse (male)

Illustration of a nurse (female)