Illustration of an equestrian athlete (male)

Illustration of an equestrian athlete (female)

Illustration of an equestrian athlete (female)

Illustration of an equestrian athlete (male)
Illustration of a male cyclist

Illustration of a male cyclist

Illustration of a female bicycle racer

Illustration of Team Pursuit (female cycling track athlete)

Illustration of Team Pursuit (male athlete in cycling track competition)

Illustration of a sprinter (female cycling track athlete)

Illustration of a sprinter (male athlete in a cycling track race)

Illustration of a sprinter (male athlete in a cycling track competition)

Illustration of road racers (male) racing

Illustration of a road racing athlete (female)

Illustration of a road race athlete (male)

Illustration of an angry man

Illustration of an angry person (female)

Illustration of a man bowing his head and thanking him

Illustration of a woman bowing her head and thanking her

People bowing their heads and apologizing (illustration of a woman)

Illustration of people bowing their heads and thanking each other

Illustration of a man who bows his head and apologizes