Illustration of a military officer (male) making a 𳴦𳴀𳴀

Illustration of a military officer (male) making a 𳴦𳴀𳴀

This is an illustration of a military man making a 𳴦𳴀𳴀勨 This man is training hard.

Illustration of a military officer (male) making a 𳴦𳴀𳴀
Illustration of a military officer (male) making a 𳴦𳴀𳴀
Illustration of a military officer (male) making a 𳴦𳴀𳴀
Illustration of a military officer (male) making a 𳴦𳴀𳴀
Illustration of a military officer (male) making a 𳴦𳴀𳴀