
Illustration of an electric shocker

Illustration of a man (male) firing a beam from a finger

Illustration of a woman firing a beam from her finger

Illustration of a woman who is chased by a bee

Illustration of a man (male) who is chased by a bee

Illustration of a woman who is chased by insects

Illustration of a man who is chased by insects

Illustration of a flight attendant (female) explaining life jacket

Illustration of a flight attendant (female) explaining life jacket

Illustration of a man in a life jacket and life jacket

Illustration of a woman wearing a life jacket and life jacket

Illustration of a man who is surprised by a falling rock

Illustration of a woman who is surprised by falling stones

Illustration of a man climbing a tree

Illustration of a woman climbing a tree

Illustrations of people who push and run away

Illustrations of people who push and run away

Illustration of a woman who runs away after being chased by a dog

Illustration of a man (male) who runs away after being chased by a dog

Illustration of a person sliding down the stairs

Illustration of a woman who runs away

Illustration of a man sliding down a stairs