
Illustration of a woman sliding down a stairs

Illustration of a reporter (male) reporting in a typhoon

Illustration of a reporter (female) reporting in a typhoon

Illustration of a woman walking in a strong wind

Illustration of a man who is likely to be blown away by a strong wind

Illustration of a man walking in a strong wind

Illustration of a woman who is likely to be blown away by a strong wind

Illustration of a grandfather who had an accident with a car

Illustration of a player (female) protesting against the referee

Illustration of a person (grandmother) who had an accident with a car

Illustration of a player (male) protesting against the referee

Illustration of a referee (female) who issued a yellow card

Illustration of a woman who protects himself with self-defense

Illustration of a referee (male) making a yellow card

Illustration of a woman who protects himself with self-defense

Illustration of a man (male) falling from a stretcher

Illustration of a woman falling from a stretcher

Illustration of a man who is surprised by the ignite of a smartphone

Illustration of a woman who is surprised by the ignite of a smartphone

Illustration of a man advancing at a green light

Illustration of a man (male) stopping at a red light

Illustration of a woman advancing at a green light