
Illustration of a person (woman) who makes a mistake

Illustration of a woman who runs away

Illustration of a man running away

Illustration of a man running away

Illustration of a woman who runs away

Illustration of a man sleeping on a station bench

Illustration of a woman sleeping on a station bench

Illustration of a man (male) avoiding bullets

Illustration of a woman avoiding bullets

Illustration of a man with a shuriken stuck all over his body

Illustration of a woman avoiding shuriken

Illustration of a woman with a shuriken stuck all over her body

Illustration of a man avoiding shuriken

Illustration of a person who dies of suffocation

Illustration of a woman who dies of suffocation

Illustration of a person (old man) who dies of suffocation

Illustration of a man who dies of suffocation

Illustration of a man walking a tightrope

Illustration of a woman walking a tightrope

Illustration of a man who gives corporal punishment to a friend

Illustration of a woman who gives corporal punishment to a friend

Illustration of a man covering his eyes