
Illustration of a man using a vacuum cleaner

Illustration of a woman using a vacuum cleaner

Illustration of a woman cleaning with a brush

Illustration of a man cleaning with a brush

Illustration of people (men) carrying heavy loads by two people

Illustration of people (women) carrying heavy loads by two people

Illustration of a man (male) lifting a heavy load

Illustration of a person (female) lifting a heavy load

Illustration of a man with heavy luggage

Illustration of a woman with heavy luggage

Illustration of a woman with heavy luggage

Illustration of a man with heavy luggage

Illustration of a man cleaning with a broom

Illustration of a woman cleaning with a broom

Illustration of a woman wiping the floor

Illustration of a man wiping the floor

Illustration of role sharing and task management

Illustration of a woman who breaks firewood

Illustration of a man who breaks firewood

Illustration of a sewing person (male)

Illustration of a sewing person (female)

Illustration of a woman preparing to move