Illustration of a man who pauses to check his safety

Illustration of a cheer girl (female) jumping

Illustration of cheering cheer girls (women)

Illustration of cheerleader (female) to cheer

Illustration of a cheerleader (female) dancing

Illustration of a person (female) with shoe rubbing

Illustration of a man (male) with shoe rubbing

Illustration of a shining person (female)

Illustration of a shining person (male)

Illustration of a shining person (female)

Illustration of a shining person (male)

Illustration of a panicked man (male)

Illustration of a panicked person (female)

Illustration of a cyclist (male)

Illustration of a female cyclist

Illustration of a bicycle rider (woman) who is about to collide with a car

Illustration of a cyclist (male) who is about to collide with a car

Illustration of a woman commuting by bicycle

Illustration of a man commuting by bicycle

Illustration of a weightlifter (female)

Illustration of a weightlifter (male)

Illustration of a mother shouldering her child