Illustration of a father shouldering a child

Illustration of a man driving a bicycle

Illustration of a woman driving a bicycle

Illustration of two people (men) riding a bicycle

Illustration of two people riding a bicycle (female)

Illustration of a baby moving at breakneck speed

Illustration of a baby who is evil

Illustration of a baby crawling and moving

Illustration of a crying baby

Illustration of a baby sleeping in a blanket

Illustration of baby lying with limbs spread out

Illustration of a baby sleeping wrapped in a walnut

Illustration of a man undergoing an X-ray examination

Teamwork, illustrations of male high school students and male junior high school students crossing their shoulders

Teamwork, illustrations of high school girls and junior high school girls with their shoulders crossed

Teamwork and illustration of people (men) crossing shoulders

Teamwork and illustration of people (women) crossing shoulders

Teamwork and illustration of people (women) crossing shoulders

Teamwork and illustration of people (men) crossing shoulders

Teamwork and illustration of people (men) crossing shoulders

Teamwork and illustration of people (women) crossing shoulders

Teamwork and illustrations of people folded shoulders