Illustration of a man who speaks with a microphone

Illustration of a woman with a microphone

Illustration of a woman giving an election speech

Illustration of a woman who is making a speech

Illustration of a man who is making a speech

Illustration of a man holding up a message board

Illustration of a woman holding up a message board

Illustration of a woman holding up a message board

Illustration of a man holding up a message board

Illustration of a woman who gained weight

Illustration of a man who gained weight

Illustration of a man who has lost weight

Illustration of a woman who has lost weight

Illustration of a woman brushing her teeth

Illustration of a man brushing his teeth

Illustration of a woman who has a cold and goes to bed

Illustration of a man who has a cold and goes to bed

Illustration of a voter (grandmother)

Illustration of a voter (grandfather)

Illustration of a man who votes

Illustration of a woman who votes

Illustration of a man who votes