Illustration of a male high school student and a male junior high school student seated

Illustration of a couple (elderly) walking hand in hand

Illustration of a couple walking hand in hand

Illustration of a man expressing a heart mark with his hand

Illustration of a person (woman) expressing a heart mark with her hands

Illustration of a man in love

Illustration of a woman in love

Illustration of a woman who hits a person

Illustration of a man who hits a person

Illustration of a woman who hits a person

Illustration of a man who hits a person

Illustration of the hand doing the janken

People playing rock-paper-scissors

People playing rock-paper-scissors

Illustration of a woman who slips and falls

Illustration of a man who slips and falls

Illustration of marital quarrel
Illustration of a subordinate (man) who is angry with his boss

Illustration of a subordinate (woman) who is angry with her boss

Illustration of marital quarrel

Illustration of a man enjoying a survival game

Illustration of a woman who enjoys a survival game