Illustration of a male student erasing letters on the blackboard

Illustration of a female student erasing letters on the blackboard

Illustration of a student (female) growing while studying

Illustration of a student (male) stretching while studying

Illustration of a woman stretching

Illustration of a growing person (male)

illustration of a man who urges a gesture to be quiet

illustration of a woman who urges a gesture to be quiet

illustration of a woman who urges a gesture to be quiet

illustration of a man who urges a gesture to be quiet

Illustration of a soccer player (female) performing a goal

Illustration of a male soccer player performing a goal

Illustration of a woman sleeping at work

Illustration of a man sleeping at work

Illustration of male high school and junior high school boys sleeping in class or studying

Illustration of a female high school student or junior high school girl sleeping in class or studying

Illustration of a woman who looks sorry

Illustration of a man who seems to be apologetic

Illustration of a man who seems to be apologetic

Illustration of a woman who looks sorry

Illustration of a tutor (male) teaching study