Illustration of a man raising his hand and asking a question to the teacher

Illustration of a woman raising her hand and asking a question to the teacher

Illustrations of male high school students and male junior high school students studying

Illustrations of high school and junior high school girls studying

Illustrations of male high school students and male junior high school students studying

Illustrations of high school and junior high school girls studying

Illustration of a lifelong learner (grandfather)

Illustration of a lifelong learner (grandmother)

Illustration of a man studying

Illustration of a woman who studies

Illustrations of people sharing ideas

Illustrations of people sharing ideas

Illustrations of brainstormers

Illustration of a person who believes and prays (male)

Illustration of a person who believes and prays (female)

Illustration of a man praying with his hands together

Illustration of a woman praying with her hands together

Illustration of a person (female) who married a wonderful husband

Illustration of a man (male) married to a wonderful wife

Illustration of a person (female) married to a scary husband

Illustration of a man (male) married to a scary wife

Illustration of a woman who joined an unscrupulous company